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Achillea 'Moonshine'
Moonshine Yarrow
Achillea millefolium 'Pomegranate'
Pomegranate Yarrow
Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'
Grassy-Leaved Sweet Flag
Adiantum capillus-veneris
Southern Maidenhair Fern
Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegata'
Variegated Bishop's Goutweed
Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop'
Black Scallop Bugleweed
Ajuga reptans 'Mahogany'
Mahogany Bugleweed
Anemone sylvestris
Aquilegia 'Blue Bird'
Songbird Blue Bird Columbine
Aquilegia 'Cardinal'
Songbird Cardinal Columbine
Aquilegia 'Dorothy Rose'
Dorothy Rose Columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Black Barlow'
Black Barlow Columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Clementine Blue'
Clememtine Blue Columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Clementine Dark Purple'
Clementine Dark Purple Columbine
Armeria pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Red'
Ballerina Red False Sea Thrift
Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165'
Low Scape Mound® Aronia
Artemisia 'Powis Castle'
Powis Castle Artemesia
Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound'
Silver Mound Artemisia
Artemisia stelleriana 'Silver Brocade'
Silver Brocade Artemisia
Aruncus dioicus
Asarum splendens
Asian Wild Ginger
Athyrium 'Ghost'
Ghost Fern
Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red'
Lady in Red Fern
Athyrium nipponicum 'Burgundy Lace'
Burgundy Lace Painted Fern
Athyrium nipponicum 'Pewter Lace'
Pewter Lace Painted Fern
Athyrium nipponicum 'Pictum'
Japanese Painted Fern
Blechnum spicant
Deer Fern
Brunnera macrophylla 'Alexander's Great'
Alexander's Great Bugloss
Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'
Jack Frost Bugloss
Brunnera macrophylla 'Looking Glass'
Looking Glass Bugloss
Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'
Karl Foerster Reed Grass
Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Overdam'
Variegated Reed Grass
Campanula poscharskyana 'Blue Waterfall'
Blue Waterfall Serbian Bellflower
Carex buchananii
Leatherleaf Sedge
Carex buchananii 'Red Rooster'
Red Rooster Sedge
Carex oshimensis 'Evergold'
Evergold Variegated Japanese Sedge
Caryopteris divaricata 'Snow Fairy'
Snow Fairy Variegated Bluebeard
Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Blue Mist'
Blue Mist Caryopteris
Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Dark Knight'
Dark Knight Caryopteris
Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Inoveris'
Grand Bleu® Caryopteris
Cedrus deodara 'Snow Sprite'
Snow Sprite Deodar Cedar
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata'
Prostrate Japanese Plum Yew
Cerastium tomentosum 'Yo Yo'
Yo Yo Snow-In-Summer
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Convallaria majalis
Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana'
Dwarf Tickseed
Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'
Moonbeam Tickseed
Cornus racemosa 'Muszam'
Muskingum Gray Dogwood
Daphne cneorum 'Ruby Glow'
* -
Ruby Glow Daphne
Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
Brilliance Autumn Fern
Dryopteris x complexa
Robust Male Fern
Epimedium x youngianum 'Roseum'
Pink Bishop's Hat
Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus'
Purpleleaf Wintercreeper
Fothergilla gardenii
Dwarf Fothergilla
Fothergilla gardenii 'Blue Mist'
Blue Mist Fothergilla
Fragaria 'Allstar'
Allstar Strawberry
Fragaria 'Cardinal'
Cardinal Strawberry
Fragaria 'Chandler'
Chandler Strawberry
Fragaria 'Everbearing'
Everbearing Strawberry
Fragaria 'June-Bearing'
June-Bearing Strawberry
Fragaria 'Ozark Beauty'
Ozark Beauty Strawberry
Fragaria 'Quinault'
Quinault Strawberry
Fragaria 'Surecrop'
Surecrop Strawberry
Galium odoratum
Sweet Woodruff
Gaultheria procumbens
Creeping Wintergreen
Geranium sanguineum 'Alpenglow'
Alpenglow Cranesbill
Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Crystal Rose'
Crystal Rose Cranesbill
Hedera helix
English Ivy
Hedera helix 'Thorndale'
Thorndale Ivy
Hemerocallis 'Adorable Tiger'
Adorable Tiger Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Cherokee Star'
Cherokee Star Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Erin Lea'
Erin Lea Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Going Bananas'
Rainbow Rhythm® Going Bananas Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'
Happy Ever Appster® Happy Returns Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Judy Judy'
Judy Judy Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Passionate Returns'
Passionate Returns Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Primal Scream'
Rainbow Rhythm® Primal Scream Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Purple de Oro'
Purple de Oro Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Red Hot Returns'
Happy Ever Appster® Red Hot Returns Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Siloam Amazing Grace'
Siloam Amazing Grace Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Siloam Double Classic'
Siloam Double Classic Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro'
Stella de Oro Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Stella Supreme'
Stella Supreme Daylily
Hemerocallis 'Stephanie Returns'
Happy Ever Appster® Stephanie Returns Daylily
Hemerocallis 'When My Sweetheart Returns'
Happy Ever Appster® When My Sweetheart Returns Daylily
Heuchera 'Autumn Leaves'
Autumn Leaves Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie'
Berry Smoothie Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Black Taffeta'
Black Taffeta Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Champagne'
Champagne Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Citronelle'
Citronelle Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Delta Dawn'
Delta Dawn Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Electric Lime'
Electric Lime Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Fire Alarm'
Fire Alarm Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Forever Purple'
Forever® Purple Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Galaxy'
Galaxy Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Georgia Peach'
Georgia Peach Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Georgia Plum'
Georgia Plum Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Ginger Peach'
Ginger Peach Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Glitter'
Glitter Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Grape Soda'
Grape Soda Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Midnight Ruffles'
Midnight Ruffles Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Obsidian'
Obsidian Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Paprika'
Paprika Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Peach Flambe'
Peach Flambe Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Southern Comfort'
Southern Comfort Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Spellbound'
Spellbound Coral Bells
Heuchera 'Zipper'
Zipper Coral Bells
Heucherella 'Cracked Ice'
Cracked Ice Foamy Bells
Heucherella 'Solar Eclipse'
Solar Eclipse Foamy Bells
Heucherella 'Solar Power'
Solar Power Foamy Bells
Heucherella 'Yellowstone Falls'
Yellowstone Falls Foamy Bells
Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'
Abiqua Drinking Gourd Hosta
Hosta 'Autumn Frost'
Shadowland® Autumn Frost Hosta
Hosta 'Big Daddy'
Big Daddy Hosta
Hosta 'Blue Angel'
Blue Angel Hosta
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'
Blue Mouse Ears Hosta
Hosta 'Blueberry Muffin'
Blueberry Muffin Hosta
Hosta 'Bridal Falls'
Bridal Falls Hosta
Hosta 'Brother Stefan'
Brother Stefan Hosta
Hosta 'Dancing Queen'
Dancing Queen Hosta
Hosta 'Designer Genes'
Designer Genes Hosta
Hosta 'Diamonds Are Forever'
Diamonds Are Forever Hosta
Hosta 'Dream Weaver'
Dream Weaver Hosta
Hosta 'Earth Angel'
Earth Angel Hosta
Hosta 'Empress Wu'
Shadowland® Empress Wu Hosta
Hosta 'Gold Standard'
Gold Standard Hosta
Hosta 'Golden Tiara'
Golden Tiara Hosta
Hosta 'Grand Tiara'
Grand Tiara Hosta
Hosta 'Guacamole'
Guacamole Hosta
Hosta 'Guardian Angel'
Guardian Angel Hosta
Hosta 'Halcyon'
Halcyon Hosta
Hosta 'Heat Wave'
Heat Wave Hosta
Hosta 'Joy Ride'
Joy Ride Hosta
Hosta 'June'
June Hosta
Hosta 'Key West'
Key West Hosta
Hosta 'Komodo Dragon'
Komodo Dragon Hosta
Hosta 'Lakeside Paisley Print'
Lakeside Paisley Print Hosta
Hosta 'Liberty'
Liberty Hosta
Hosta 'Loyalist'
Loyalist Hosta
Hosta 'Maui Buttercups'
Maui Buttercups Hosta
Hosta 'Minuteman'
Minuteman Hosta
Hosta 'Neptune'
Neptune Hosta
Hosta 'Paradigm'
Paradigm Hosta
Hosta 'Patriot'
Patriot Hosta
Hosta 'Praying Hands'
Praying Hands Hosta
Hosta 'Rainbow's End'
Rainbow's End Hosta
Hosta 'Rainforest Sunrise'
Rainforest Sunrise Hosta
Hosta 'Royal Standard'
Royal Standard Hosta
Hosta 'So Sweet'
So Sweet Hosta
Hosta 'Stained Glass'
Stained Glass Hosta
Hosta 'Sum and Substance'
Sum and Substance Hosta
Hosta 'Vulcan'
Vulcan Hosta
Hypericum 'Blue Velvet'
Blue Velvet St. John's Wort
Hypericum 'Hidcote'
Hidcote St. John's Wort
Hypericum 'Mystical Black'
* -
Mystical Black St. John's Wort
Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst'
Sunburst St. John's Wort
Iberis sempervirens 'Masterpiece'
Masterpiece Candytuft
Iberis sempervirens 'Purity'
Purity Candytuft
Ilex vomitoria 'Nana'
Dwarf Yaupon Holly
Juniperus chinensis 'Mint Julep'
Mint Julep Juniper
Juniperus chinensis 'San Jose'
* -
San Jose Juniper
Juniperus chinensis 'San Jose (ball form)'
San Jose Juniper
Juniperus chinensis 'Sea Green'
Sea Green Juniper
Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific'
Blue Pacific Shore Juniper
Juniperus horizontalis 'Bar Harbor'
Bar Harbor Juniper
Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip'
Blue Chip Juniper
Juniperus horizontalis 'Lime Glow'
Lime Glow Juniper
Juniperus horizontalis 'Mother Lode'
Mother Lode Juniper
Juniperus horizontalis 'Plumosa Compacta'
Andorra Juniper
Juniperus procumbens 'Nana'
Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper
Juniperus sabina 'Broadmoor'
Broadmoor Juniper
Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star'
Blue Star Juniper
Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl'
Grey Owl Redcedar
Juniperus x media 'Daub's Frosted'
Daub's Frosted Juniper
Juniperus x media 'Gold Coast'
Gold Coast Juniper
Juniperus x media 'Golden Joy'
Golden Joy Juniper
Juniperus x media 'Saybrook Gold'
Saybrook Gold Juniper
Juniperus x media 'Sea Of Gold'
Sea Of Gold Juniper
Lagerstroemia 'Pocomoke'
Pocomoke Crapemyrtle
Lamium maculatum 'Ghost'
Ghost Spotted Dead Nettle
Lamium maculatum 'Golden Anniversary'
Golden Anniversary Spotted Dead Nettle
Lamium maculatum 'Orchid Frost'
Orchid Frost Spotted Dead Nettle
Lamium maculatum 'Purple Dragon'
Purple Dragon Spotted Dead Nettle
Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy'
White Nancy Spotted Dead Nettle
Leptinella squalida
Brass Buttons
Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black'
Platt's Black Brass Buttons
Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Girard's Rainbow'
Girard's Rainbow Fetterbush
Liriope muscari 'Big Blue'
Big Blue Lily Turf
Liriope muscari 'Silvery Sunproof'
Silvery Sunproof Variegated Lily Turf
Liriope muscari 'Variegata'
Variegata Lily Turf
Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon'
Silver Dragon Lily Turf
Lithodora 'Grace Ward'
Grace Ward Lithodora
Lysimachia congestiflora 'Walkabout Sunset'
Walkabout Sunset Loosestrife
Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'
Golden Creeping Jenny
Lysimachia nummularia 'Goldilocks'
Goldilocks Creeping Jenny
Mahonia aquifolium 'Compactum'
Compact Oregon Grape
Mahonia repens
* -
Creeping Mahonia
Matteuccia 'The King'
The King Ostrich Fern
Matteuccia struthiopteris
Ostrich Fern
Mazus reptans
Creeping Mazus
Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio'
Adagio Maiden Grass
Miscanthus sinensis 'Gold Bar'
Gold Bar Maiden Grass
Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus'
Gracillimus Maiden Grass
Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Zebra'
Little Zebra Dwarf Maiden Grass
Miscanthus sinensis 'Super Stripe'
Super Stripe Maiden Grass
Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'
Zebra Grass
Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream'
Gulf Stream Dwarf Nandina
Nandina domestica 'Moon Bay'
Moon Bay Dwarf Nandina
Nandina domestica 'Pygmaea'
Pygmy Nandina
Oenothera 'Innoeno131'
Lemon Drop Primrose
Oenothera berlandieri 'Siskiyou'
Siskiyou Mexican Evening Primrose
Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nanus'
Dwarf Mondo Grass
Origanum 'Hot And Spicy'
Hot And Spicy Oregano
Origanum onites
Greek Oregano
Origanum rotundifolium 'Kent Beauty'
Kent Beauty Oregano
Origanum vulgare
Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum
Greek Oregano
Origanum x majoricum
Italian Oregano
Osmunda cinnamomea
Cinnamon Fern
Osmunda regalis
Royal Fern
Oxalis crassipes 'Rosea'
Pink Wood Sorrel
Pachysandra terminalis
Japanese Spurge
Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Sheen'
Green Sheen Japanese Spurge
Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue'
Emerald Blue Moss Phlox
Phlox subulata 'Red Wings'
Red Wings Moss Phlox
Phlox subulata 'Scarlet Flame'
Scarlet Flame Moss Phlox
Phlox subulata 'Snowflake'
Snowflake Phlox
Polemonium reptans 'Touch Of Class'
Touch Of Class Jacob's Ladder
Polygonatum multiflorum 'Variegatum'
Variegated Solomon's Seal
Polygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum'
Variegated Solomon's Seal
Polystichum polyblepharum
Japanese Tassel Fern
Pyracantha coccinea 'Lowboy'
Lowboy Scarlet Firethorn
Rhaphiolepis indica 'Pink Lady'
Pink Lady Indian Hawthorn
Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low'
Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac
Rosa 'Meigalpio'
Red Drift® Rose
Rosa 'Meijocos'
Pink Drift® Rose
Rosa 'Witharoma'
Secret's Out!™ Rose
Sagina subulata
Irish Moss
Sagina subulata 'Aurea'
Scotch Moss
Sedum 'Autumn Delight'
Autumn Delight Stonecrop
Sedum 'Carl'
Carl Stonecrop
Sedum 'Chocolate Drop'
Chocolate Drop Stonecrop
Sedum 'Dazzleberry'
Dazzleberry Stonecrop
Sedum 'Firecracker'
Firecracker Stonecrop
Sedum spectabile 'Neon'
Neon Stonecrop
Selaginella uncinata
Peacock Spikemoss
Sorbaria sorbifolia
False Spirea
Spiraea japonica 'Golden Elf'
Golden Elf Spirea
Spiraea japonica 'Limemound'
Limemound Spirea
Spiraea x bumalda 'Magic Carpet'
Magic Carpet Spirea
Stachys byzantina 'Helene Von Stein'
Helene Von Stein Lamb's Ears
Stachys monieri 'Hummelo'
Hummelo Betony
Stephanandra incisa 'Crispa'
Cutleaf Stephanandra
Taxus cuspidata 'Emerald Spreader'
Emerald Spreader Yew
Thymus praecox 'Coccineus'
Red Creeping Thyme
Thymus praecox 'Elfin'
Elfin Creeping Thyme
Thymus pseudolanuginosis
Wooly Thyme
Thymus vulgaris 'English'
English Thyme
Thymus vulgaris 'French'
French Thyme
Thymus x citriodorus 'Gold Edge'
Gold Edge Lemon Thyme
Tiarella 'Crow Feather'
Crow Feather Foamflower
Tiarella 'Pink Skyrocket'
Pink Skyrocket Foamflower
Tiarella 'Spring Symphony'
Spring Symphony Foamflower
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Confederate Star-Jasmine
Veronica 'Very Van Gogh'
Very Van Gogh Speedwell
Veronica repens 'Sunshine'
Sunshine Creeping Speedwell
Vinca major 'Wojo's Gem'
Wojo's Gem Periwinkle
Vinca minor
Common Periwinkle
Vinca minor 'Dart's Blue'
Dart's Blue Periwinkle
Vinca minor 'Illumination'
Illumination Periwinkle